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Veronica Chiesi Brown,
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Community Relations

MCC’s Accelerated Training Program Puts People Back to Work

Posted in All News, MCC News

Initiative Highlighted by Legislators O’Brien and Morelle at Today’s Event

ROCHESTER, N.Y. –March 7, 2014- As part of the Opportunity Agenda, MCC’s Accelerated Precision Tooling Certificate program will enable Rochester’s El Camino neighborhood residents to obtain education and hands-on training in advanced manufacturing, earn a certificate in half the normal time, and find employment within a year. Participants in the program, which will be funded by $100,000 from the state, are anticipated to begin in September 2014.

MCC has already tested this workforce development model. In response to local manufacturers’ immediate need for skilled workers, MCC developed the six-month accelerated certificate program in spring 2013 in partnership with the Rochester Technology and Manufacturing Association (RTMA). Thirteen displaced workers and military veterans in the nine-county region participated in the program and earned their certificates in October. Upon completing the program, they received job placement assistance from RTMA, and 10 found employment.

Currently, 16 displaced workers and military veterans are participating in the accelerated training program at MCC’s Applied Technologies Center. Classes, which began Feb. 24, are held evenings. The participants bring with them a range of professional experience. A few of them hold bachelor’s and master’s degrees and are looking to re-enter the industry or change careers.

With financial assistance from RTMA and through the federal H-1B Advanced Manufacturing Career Pathways grant, participants receive education and hands-on training in machining at no cost. Upon completing the program, they will receive job placement assistance from RTMA and have the opportunity to continue their education down the road toward an associate’s degree in machining.

Opportunity Agenda is a coordinated approach by the regional economic development councils to address the needs of a high poverty neighborhood within the region.

“For anyone seeking employment in the new economy, some postsecondary education is necessary. MCC plays a central role in removing barriers so that individuals facing the most significant challenges can build stronger futures,” said MCC President Anne M. Kress. “When you look at where the job openings are now and will be in the long run, advanced manufacturing is a high-demand, high-tech field that offers exciting and sustaining career pathways. I’m very pleased that our state legislators support our vision and efforts in creating opportunities for economic and social mobility, one neighborhood at a time.”

Media Contact:
Hency Yuen-Eng
Marketing and Community Relations